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Same Ship, New Voyage

One of our seasoned colleagues, Frank Arnold, described the Fellowship Deaconry as a ship that has come into port. Its original purpose of bringing the Gospel of Christ to German immigrants of the pre- and post- WWII decades has been fulfilled. Now the 85 year-old vessel is being serviced and re-stocked and made ready to continue to touch lives, both young and old, with that same glorious life-changing Message.

In years past, the Fellowship Deaconry was known for a variety of ministries, including church planting, inner-city tract mission work, nursing home administration, Christian bookstore ministry, overnight summer camp, personal and group retreats, gardening and farming. Lives were changed by God’s power, spiritual growth abounded, and seeds were planted that are still bearing fruit 85 years later! Through the years, we have had our share of trials and losses, for nothing and no one is perfect this side of heaven.  But God has shown Himself to be the Redeemer, Restorer and Provider. He alone is able to create good out of difficult circumstances, in spite of His imperfect but willing servants.

This “vessel” has always had a heart for youth, even back to the days of incorporation, when the Sisters had a large ministry among German-speaking young women. Today, as we minister to youth through our Sunshine Preschool, Day Camp Sunshine, youth-focused concerts and retreats, and discipleship programs, we are investing in the next generation. We have already embarked on a new journey, on the same ship, fueled by the Holy Spirit to keep reaching and discipling people of all ages, with a strong desire to impact generations to come. May those who come behind us find us faithful! 

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