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Day Camp Sunshine: Stories of Impact

“I was waiting until midnight so I could register my children for camp once it opened. I fell asleep, but I woke up at 1:00am so I got on the computer to register.”

This was a phone call from a dad who was new to camp last summer. He was so impressed with camp that not only did he register right away, he has referred many new families. He is one of our biggest supporters. There are two big reasons, whether he knows it or not, that Day Camp Sunshine (DCS) is so special. The first is the power of camp. Summer camps have an opportunity to reach children in many special ways. It gets them out in nature as well as gets them to be active. It helps their imagination to soar. It also helps them learn to interact with each other face-to-face (no electronics allowed). Camp teaches creativity, social skills, independence, good sportsmanship, life skills, and building lasting friendships.

The second reason camp is so powerful, at least for us at Day Camp Sunshine, is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the quintessential reason why we exist in the first place. Seeing the campers lives changed because of the work of the Holy Spirit is an incredible thing. For many of the campers, camp is the only place they get to hear/learn about God. We witness lives impacted by the work done on the cross that Jesus sacrificed Himself on. There is no greater thing. Last summer we saw over 23 campers make a decision for Christ. For many others, it was an opportunity to be discipled – to truly understand what it means to be a follower of Christ.

As a product of camp myself, I know the impact it can have on a person. As a matter of fact, it’s been the majority of my career. With that said, we have many families who would love to send their child/teen to DCS but can’t afford it. That’s where you come in. Maybe God has blessed you so you can bless others. Would you be willing to sponsor a child for a week or two of camp? If you are able, could you donate $370 for a 1st-6th grader, or $400 for a teen camper? Maybe that is more than you can afford, so how about $50 or $100? Whatever amount you are able to give will be appreciated. As Jesus said in Matthew 25:40, “Inasmuch as ye have done unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done unto me.” Thank you for your support.

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