It is with great joy that we introduce Rev. Joel E. Davis as Executive Director at Fellowship Deaconry Ministries. He joined us in the beginning of November 2016, having previously served as Assistant V.P. of Finance at Pillar College.
Pastor Joel is a faithful servant of God. We believe his gifts as a pastor and finance professional are a combination that will help him grow our current ministries and develop new ones. Joel is a church planter, a people-person, and a lover of the Word. He understands our vision:
“To glorify God by facilitating positive, life-transforming experiences for all who come.”
And he wants our core values, or DNA, to motivate our Staff and be evident to each person who visits these hallowed grounds. These core values are Joy, Unity, Stewardship, and a Servant’s Heart.
Please join us in welcoming Pastor Joel to our Staff and continue to pray with us for God’s Glory to be further manifested in our midst.