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Obeying God – Being Led Step by Step

Obeying God Step by Step

“Even when it seems inconsequential”

 (Acts 8:26-40)

By: Rev. Joel E. Davis

Talk about a revival! Scripture tells us Philip went to a town in Samaria and the entire town was saved, people were healed, and the Apostles Peter and John deemed the town worthy of a visit, just to name a few of the events. In the midst of this outpouring of blessing, an angel brought Philip an odd instruction (v.26): “Head toward the road that leads south.” Philip obeyed (v.27).

In the NIV, v.27 says, “… on his way” Philip encountered an Ethiopian eunuch (v.28). The Spirit gave Philip another odd instruction (v.29), to “stand near the chariot”. Philip obeyed (v.30).

Then, overhearing the eunuch reading from Isaiah, Philip engaged with him and, as the Lord allowed, the eunuch was saved and baptized (v.37). This eunuch went home rejoicing. Tradition tells us he brought the Gospel to Africa! Then the Spirit lifted Philip and delivered him to a town on the coast. A major miracle (v.40)!

Perhaps you noticed that the instruction Philip first received from the angel (v.26) was not the goal. It was while he was “on his way” that Philip encountered the eunuch. Afterward, it was the Spirit Himself who transported Philip to the coastal town, interrupting Philip’s journey toward the road to which he was instructed to go. Could it be that the instruction in v.26 was meant merely to get Philip moving?

Philip obeyed in ways that could have seemed inconsequential to him at the time: “Go to a road.” “Stand near the chariot.” He was led step by step to the place where God wanted to use him, and the eunuch was saved, with the result that possibly millions of others in Africa heard the Gospel.

Sometimes, the day-to-day tasks needed to keep Fellowship Deaconry Ministries running and moving forward may seem inconsequential. Things like mowing the lawn, painting a room, repairing a pipe, cleaning, and then cleaning again, might feel insignificant in the moment. But then we hear the testimonies from our guests who encountered God while here, or that 135 children made a confession for Christ at Day Camp Sunshine, or that many came to salvation during a retreat. Who’s to say God may not use one of them like that “Ethiopian eunuch” in some way, at some time?

Thank you for honoring the Lord and this ministry with your support. Even if your prayer, your gift, or your volunteering to help us with our work here might seem inconsequential now, remember Philip! One day your obedience may result in millions coming to salvation.

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